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Importing the Menu Using WooCommerce Bulk Import

1 min read

Once your CSV file is ready, follow these steps to import the data into your WooCommerce store:

Step 1: Access the WooCommerce Import Tool #

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, navigate to WooCommerce > Products
  2. Click the Import button at the top of the Products page

Step 2: Upload Your CSV File #

  1. In the Product CSV Importer screen, click Choose File and select your CSV file.
  2. Check the box that says Update existing products if you are updating an existing menu.
  3. Click Continue

Step 3: Map CSV Fields to WooCommerce Fields #

  1. WooCommerce will automatically try to match your CSV columns with product fields (like Name, Description, etc.).
  2. If necessary, manually match each CSV column to the correct WooCommerce field.
    • Name should map to Product Name.
    • Description should map to Short Description.
    • Price should map to Regular Price.
    • Image URL should map to Product Image URL.
    • Category should map to Product Categories.
    • Filters should be assigned as a Tag.
  3. Click Run the Importer to start importing your menu items.

Step 4: Review Imported Menu Items #

  1. Once the import is complete, go to WooCommerce > Products to review your imported menu items.
  2. You can edit any product if necessary by clicking Edit under the item name